Being a parent it is difficult to go outside with two small kids. So the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller gives you the freedom to go anywhere with your kids. And thanks to its lightweight, it will not weigh you down.

In this article, we will give you a review of the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller so that you can know if it is worth buying or not.

About B-Agile Double Stroller

Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is a suitable double buggy for twins or siblings. It is very convenient and easy to take two children on a journey with this double stroller. It has fully adjustable backrests which will provide comfort to your kids. It can lie in a flat position and is also suitable for two soft carrycots. It comes with optional adapters so that you can fix an infant carrier for complete flexibility.

Features of Britax B-Agile Double Stroller

· Fold and unfold

The best feature of this double stroller is that you can quickly and easily fold it. It can stand freely when you fold it so that the seat fabrics will not get dirty. In addition to this, the automatic fold lock ensures that the pushchair stays in a shapely format until you want to use it again, and thus it gives you the flexibility and freedom you want.

Adjustable Handle

As we know the position of the pushchair handle is very important when it comes to our posture. So this Britax B-Agile Double Stroller has two quick press buttons by which the softly padded handle can be adjusted very easily. And thus, you can adjust it according to anyone’s height and comfort who is holding it. Moreover, it also has a central grip area by which you can steer it easily with one hand.

  • Puncture free tyres

The most convenient thing about this double stroller is its flat tyres. Therefore, when you are out for a walk you do not have to worry about punctured tyres and you can enjoy your journey.

Safety Harness

This double stroller has an adjustable safety harness to keep your child secure and comfortable. It has a 5 point harness which can be adjusted as per the heights of different children. Additionally, it is suitable for children up to 22 kg. It also has a softly padded chest pad that ensures the comfort and safety of your child.

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The broad and strong basket

When you go on a long day trip or just run quick chores, this broad and strong basket can hold essentials like nappies, extra clothes, toys, snacks, or last-minute groceries.

· Front twirl wheels

The front wheel of this double stroller has a turning and rotating mode which enables you to pass through narrow spaces. They can also be locked for use on uneven ground.

· Suspension of front wheel

Another good feature is that the front wheels of this double stroller can be suspended so that your child can have a smooth ride even on rough surfaces.

· Head Cover with Mesh Panel

The headcover of this double stroller has UPF 50+ sun protection and also a viewing window so that your child can be protected from sunlight and you can also keep an eye on your kid through the window. Additionally, the mesh panel also provides better air circulation on hot days.

· Cons of Britax B-Agile Double Stroller

Although there are not many cons of this double stroller. But according to some customers it could have been more convenient if the opening to the storage could been larger. Another thing is the basket is quite shallow. It is also tricky to use the rain cover.

But these are minor drawbacks but overall the double stroller is good for use so it is worth buying.

Conclusion – I hope this article is sufficient enough to clarify the information about Britax B-Agile Double Stroller.