Dandruff problem is quite common. Dandruff is a thin white layer visible on the scalp in the surface of the hair. Because of this, the skin of the head starts crumbling along with itching. Dandruff also causes damage to the hair. It can cause problems ranging from hair loss to inflammation and baldness. You can try some best onion hair oil in india which helps in controlling dandruff and reducing hairfall. Dandruff bothers more in winter. Due to the increase in winter, the problem of dandruff and dryness in the hair starts increasing. The scalp remains dry even during the cold days with the use of hot water. Due to this dandruff occurs more and more quickly. Men are more prone to dandruff problems than women. This may be due to the carelessness of men. Yes, if you are getting more dandruff problems, it is because of not taking good care of your lifestyle and hair. Many men do not like to oil their hair, due to which it is not only the problem of dandruff. But there could be many other problems. Apart from this, men can have many other reasons for dandruff. Let us know in this article the causes of dandruff in men and what are the ways to get rid of them?

Causes of dandruff problem in men

Men take less care of their hair than women. Due to this men have more problems like dandruff. Apart from this, some other reasons are also included. Let’s know about it-

  • dust on the scalp
  • helmet use
  • not oiling
  • smoking and alcohol
  • Don’t wash your head.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff

  1. Green Tea
    The use of green tea is very beneficial for you to get rid of the problem of dandruff. Green tea has medicinal properties, which can help you keep your scalp and hair healthy. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants, which can reduce the dryness of the scalp and get rid of dandruff. If you have a lot of dandruff problem in your hair, boil green tea in water, apply it all over your hair, and leave it for some time. Wash your hair in the hair. Using green tea twice a week can get rid of the problem of dandruff in the hair. Apart from this, you can also mix green tea in any oil and apply it to your hair.
  2. Tea Tree Oil
    Tea tree oil has many antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which are effective in getting rid of dandruff. The use of tea tree oil can get rid of the problem of dandruff. Tea tree oil is claimed to be in many hair care products, apart from this, you can apply this oil by mixing it in a shampoo or other carrier oil. OnlyMyHealth
  3. Aloe vera Gel Apply on Hair
    Aloe vera gel can be used to get rid of the problem of dandruff. Aloe vera gel can fight many diseases. It moisturizes your hair. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective in getting rid of the problem of dandruff. You can apply aloe vera gel directly to your hair. Apart from this, aloe vera gel can also be applied to the hair by mixing it with lemon or oil. And also choose best shampoo for hair fall and dandruff for your hair. Choose a shampoo made of natural ingreidents.

You can adapt these home remedies to get rid of the dandruff problem. However, keep in mind that always oil your hair to prevent dandruff. Keep hair away from dust, dirt, and pollution. At the same time, if you are getting more problems related to hair, then definitely consult an expert.