High definition surveying has become the superior choice in construction, owing completely to its outrageous accuracy. High definition surveying provides rapid, real time data about a site’s each and every aesthetic information.

This imperative technology captures the object’s spatial relationship enlisting a state of the art surveying light. Construction workers can then utilise this information to optimise their project completion.

So, why is laser level hire the first choice method for all construction teams, and why is it essential to hire a top quality machine?

Let’s find out below:

1.They improve site accuracy & efficiency

This important technology is essentially used to capture data. Enlisting such technology helps produce hyper-accurate models from project’s commencement, which defeats the need to recreate more plans throughout the project. They have outrageously high accuracy levels, ensuring that the company pays less for overheads, workers experience fewer delays and they further ensure that high quality planning is the norm.

This high accuracy and efficiency also ensures effective communication amongst the different building parties, especially as the machine captures a 3D image of the site, thus alleviating the risk of mistakes. This helps save time as well as avoid future errors occurring further down the track. Finally, the 3D image can easily measure the difference between what is listed on the design and what’s on site, thus reducing any risk of inaccurate reports.

2.All information is immediate

Surveyors can easily perform scans as soon as the machine is ready – something that takes absolutely no time to do! This streamlines productivity, reduces the chances of doing the work again and improves operations. Using this awesome technology reduces the risk of making drawing mistakes, as it gives you the exact measurements (something that is also fantastic for saving time!).

3.Improves project planning & design

Construction firms enlist 3D drawings and imagery that are cloud-based to analyse any discrepancies between newly added design elements and existing conditions. They can also evaluate the drawings and imagery before construction commences so they can decide whether they want to use the same images or go with a different option.

Laser level hire can also improve planning as they offer construction businesses the ideal measurements they require to minimise prefabricated materials and waste. These measurements are often essential during a building’s demolition or when they have to remove particular components. The technology typically ensures the project will be completed within the right time frame.

4.They help businesses comply with health & safety

Manual data can miss specific elements of a construction site, but this advanced technology is made to be safe and highly efficient. They further assist construction firms work within health and safety regulations. The quick data and remote sensing ability greatly reduces the risk of hazards that can occur when a worker is surveying a site.

5.Costs & schedule are reduced

3D construction models can reduce a large project’s schedule by up to 10%. It can also reduce the overall project’s cost by 7%. Typical data methods can take a few weeks to take and analyse, but laser level hire will only take a few hours or, at most, days.

Finally, the technology is made to provide teams with a greater ability to develop comprehensive work schedules. Cost reduction is a vital construction aspect, with a lot of money saved on the reduced time needed throughout the planning and business project design stages. Finally, you only have to hire the lasers on a one use basis, ensuring that the plans can be used for architects, developers and more, thus further reducing costs.