Even minor auto collisions can be upsetting and frightening. You will have to handle the legal repercussions in addition to dealing with any property damage and potential personal harm.

In most situations, you will be required to cope with subsequent compensation claims, issues of liability, as well as other legal procedures that follow an automobile accident. You might be unsure whether you should call the police immediately following an automobile accident. 

Police officers are not required by law to attend traffic crashes in Philadelphia if there are no fatalities or damage to property. However, in rare situations, drivers may be compelled to report the incident even if police officers are not sent to the scene. Philadelphia, PA car accident attorney is someone you should contact after an accident.

Recognizing “Minor” Auto Accidents.

Any form of traffic accident requires immediate attention. You should evaluate the outcome right away after the collision. The next step is to inspect the automobiles for damage if nobody has been hurt.

Minor auto collisions without injuries are not always required to be filed with the police. You are not required to report an accident if nobody is hurt and no nearby property is damaged. Similarly, crashes are not required to be recorded if all parties can safely leave the scene with their cars.

However, you are required to report the accident if any people were hurt in the incident. Every hit-and-run accident needs to be written.

How to Register a Small Auto Accident?

After a small collision, get your car off the road as soon as possible. Put on your hazard lights to make your car more apparent to oncoming traffic. Additionally, ensure sure you are protected from oncoming cars.

It is always preferable to call 911, regardless of how minor the accident may be. The dispatcher can decide if a police presence is necessary at your crash. They will question you to learn more about the specifics of your auto accident.

You might be able to notify the collision over the phone if the police are not needed. The 911 operator will provide you with the agency’s contact details, so you may report the collision.

Minor auto accidents should be reported for the benefit of your insurance claim.

In Philadelphia, reporting minor auto accidents is not required by law, but it is still a smart move. An unbiased summary of the accident’s circumstances can be found in a police accident report. This document could be essential to submitting an effective insurance settlement or pursuing legal action against the people at fault.