Castor Oil – Yep that eons-old stuff you think you may have heard your grandma talk about. Castor oil has gained a bad reputation over time. Mainly because it’s been shown on tv as something that has bad taste. We all remember those Tom and jerry episodes where castor oil is fed to someone as a punishment. But that’s not all there is to it. Castor oil is amazing stuff, with healing qualities that have been used in remedies ranging from hair growth to inducing pregnant women to go into labor.

So, what is it about this old-timey, best-kept secret that makes castor oil so phenomenal? There are a few things that make castor oil so great. When taken orally, castor oil is a safe, mild laxative for constipation. If your tummy is in trouble, castor oil can save the day. In ancient India and Egypt, castor oil was used to treat eye conditions and skin conditions. Use it on pink eye or eczema just the same. Castor oil reduces acne, and stretch marks, and heals inflamed skin with ease. It is also very good for hair, and the Castor Oil Price is also in the budget segment.

It’s also amazing for use on sunburns. You can take a little castor oil to get rid of ringworm and other parasites. Applied topically castor oil and reduce joint pain, and even low back pain associated with PMS, or overuse of the muscles. Castor decreases free radicals and even slows the aging process by promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

Castor oil can speed up the healing of cuts and bruises. The salts and esters in the castor oil help to cure dandruff and regrow hair by promoting blood flow and nutrients to the hair follicles. Castor oil has a unique chemical composition. It’s classified as a type of triglyceride fatty acid, and almost 90 percent of its fatty acid content is a specific and rare compound called ricinolein acid.

This acid helps your body to burn fat more efficiently and even boosts your immune function so that you get over colds, flu, and other infections more quickly. Grandma may have been on to something – castor oil is good for so many things.